Camp ‘U Dragana’

Kaštel Kambelovac, Ante Starčevića 39
Cellphone:  +385 98 64 61 64
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English versionThe town of Kaštela is situated along the bay of the same name, between the ancient towns of Split and Trogir. It is sheltered by the mountain Kozjak in the north while surrounded by the islandw of Dalmatia in the south, and has served as a natural refuge for man since prehistoric times. Kaštela’s mild climate, fertility and fascinating multifarious landscape, with Kozjak’s cliffs and craggy rocks on the one hand, Kaštela’s island and flowing fields on the other all served to attract the Croats who first settled there in the seventh century.
Daily excursions, sailing trips, swimming, diving, windsurfing, and sailing schools are a natural part of the daily agenda from which the tourist can choose.
The camp consists of two apartments for four people each and capacity for four tents (twelve people total in the tents).

Parking available: Yes
Air conditioning: Yes
Beach: 50 m
Center: 200 m

Detailed information is on the website listed above.


plKamp „U Dragana“


Miasteczko Kasztela umiejscowione jest w pó³nocnej czêœci kasztelañskiej zatoki pomiêdzy dwoma staro¿ytnymi miastami Splitem i Trogirem. Wzd³u¿ wybrze¿a rozci¹gaj¹ siê pla¿e z roœlinnoœci¹ œródziemnomorsk¹, sosny, drzewa laurowe, palmy. Do Kaszteli  mo¿na dotrzeć drog¹ powietrzn¹, morsk¹ i l¹dow¹, a telefonicznie po³¹czyć siê z ca³ym œwiatem. Mo¿liwoœć organizowania codziennych wycieczek, rejsów ¿eglarskich, szkó³ p³ywania, nurkowania, windsurfingu itp. Jest w zakresie oferty turystycznej.

Miejsce parkingowe: Tak
Klimatyzacja: Tak
Pla¿a: 50 m
Centrum: 200 m

Wiêcej informacji na strony

Kaštel Kambelovac
Ante Starčevića 39
Telefon: +385 95 997 68 03 and +385 98 64 61 64
E-mail: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.


English versionKamp „U Dragana“

Grad Kaštela nalazi se u Kaštelanskom zaljevu između dva grada  pod zaštitom UNESCO-a (Splitom i Trogirom).Uz obalu  su plaže sa  sredozemnim biljkama,borovima,lovorovim  stablima,palmama.U Kaštela može se doći zračnim i morskim putem te kopnom.Telefonski su povezana sa cijelim svijetom. Također organiziramo svakodnevne izlete, ronjenje i sl.
Na kampu mogu biti četiri šatora (sve skupa dvanaest osoba u šatorima). Ovdje su također i 2 apartmana (za 3 i 4 osobe).


Parking: Da
Klimatizirano: Da
Udaljenost od plaže: 50m
Udaljenost od centra: 200 m

Detaljne informacije o smještaju nalaze se na web stranici navedenoj dolje.

Kaštel Kambelovac
Ante Starčevića 39
Mobitel: +385 95 997 68 03 i +385 98 64 61 64
E-mail: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.


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